Covid-19 Update

We hope that you and the people important to you are finding ways to say safe and support each other in these tricky times.
The current Coronavirus pandemic means that our new performance project Under Bright Light, which we have been hard at work preparing, is now on hold. The planned premiere at PACT in Essen, Germany in April, and presentations with our key partners HAU in Berlin and Mousonturm in Frankfurt, are all postponed, very likely until Spring 2021. Other live performances we had planned – with other shows and projects – in the UK and Europe in the next months are also, one way or another, on hold or in the balance too.
For the rest now we are thinking about what it means to be a theatre company – predicated on making contact with people – at a time like this. We are trying to make plans and decisions to protect and sustain the company, its employees and its work through this difficult time. We are talking to colleagues in other organisations in UK and abroad and to other artists, figuring ways forward. We are also trying to support the wider group of people around us – freelancers and so on, as best we can.
We’re dealing with daily realities just like everyone else – the struggles and health of family, friends, kids, neighbours. And we’re thinking, slowly, about what might come next for us and for the work, as well as for the communities and society we are part of. There’s a lot to process. And it will take some time. But if this epidemic insists on anything it is perhaps on slowing down. So that’s OK.
We’ll be back at you in due course! Keeping checking our website here and sign up to our mailing list for updates. In the meantime we are sending strength, love and energy to you.