FE Recall: No.11 – Seke Chimutengwende

The first time I performed with forced Entertainment was in 2021. It was a performance of And of the Thousandth Night . . .  a 6-hour improvised story telling show, in Paris. It was the first time I had been out of the UK since the start of the pandemic and the first time I had been on stage since 2019. It all happened very last minute, I knew Tim already, but I had only met Terry, Richard and Claire once on a Zoom for a rehearsal and I only met the rest of the team on the Eurostar the day before the gig.

About two hours into the show, I was so tired I thought “I can’t do this anymore!” but after having soe Oreos on the food table that’s at the back of the stage I somehow regained my strength!

Seke Chimutengwende, Guest Artist