British Library Collection

For particularly keen researchers who want to immerse themselves in all things Forced Entertainment including many hours of rehearsal footage, seek out the Forced Entertainment Collection at the British Library.

The collection includes:

  • Over 300 video recordings of performances, workshops and rehearsals, from the conception of the company to the year 2000, plus commercially circulated DVDs to the present.
    Audio recordings of public talks and discussions, including the two-day symposium held in 2004 to celebrate the twentieth birthday of the company and the Indoor Fireworks series of dialogues featuring Tim Etchells in conversation with choreographer Jonathan Burrows and others.
  • Performance texts, publicity material and production stills.
  • Related material such as the educational DVDs on ensemble work produced by Contemporary Arts Media, and the DVD Somewhere Near Variety by Tim Etchells and Adrian Heathfield.
  • Arrangements are currently being made to archive video documentation from the year 2000 to date.

Watch the video of Tim Etchells on the Forced Entertainment Collection for an introduction to the archive held at The British Library, and for information on other contemporary performance documentation available.

Access is free of charge but you will need to make an appointment.

Please address any enquiries to:

Tel: +44 (0)20 7412 7447