
Created 1998

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Drawing on real places, Nightwalks creates a fragmented cityscape to be explored on CD-ROM, an eerie landscape which lies somewhere between a distorted portrait of urban England and a catalogue of frozen locations for an imaginary film. From lost sleepwalkers to murders, lone drunks and inexplicable hallucinations, the events of the work are all halted at some banal or significant moment, while the viewer alone is free to move, explore and investigate.

In place of a rigidly defined game or a single narrative to be discovered, Nightwalks invites the user into an experience more akin to that of wandering, of trying out versions of the truth and of making playful connections. The links and routes between its many scenes are geographically incoherent, but poetically charged. Following the links embedded in its landscapes, the user plunges into tunnels of still photographic images and fragmentary texts, which lead ‘out’ to further scenes. The links are associative, playful, circuitous in their relationship to sense, whilst the still images and texts are fragments creating flurries of narrative and visual associations.


Hugo Glendinning / Tim Etchells and Forced Entertainment. CD-ROM.

A Yorkshire Commission by Photo 98 as part of the UK Year of Photography and the Digital Image.